I've tried so hard to refrain from saying this to myself and most importantly keep it from coming out of my mouth.
I know there are millions of women who continue to deal with the evil of IF; who would give anything to be in my shoes. But this sucks!!
And I'm not puking. Nope. Just nauseous. Go ahead - slap me.
Lately, I've been reminiscing about those lovely days when I worked from home. I had so much flexibility. I could take naps if I wanted. I could sleep in if I wanted. Ugh.
You see, I've been so lucky lately. No puking, no indigestion, no heartburn, no "official" morning sickness. I've been eating whatever I want! If I wanted a fatty meal...I ate it. Ever since the clock ticked "9 weeks", my stomach has been in revolt. INDIGESTION is evil.
I think I've determined that I cannot eat or DRINK what I enjoy any longer. I'm doomed.... and secretly hoping these evil things go away in 3-4 weeks....please. Feeling miserable.
Symptoms: fatigue, boobs are still sore, I’m always hungry, indigestion, my nausea was GONE, but returned today after lunch
Total weight gain: 1.5 lbs
Maternity clothes: I bought some maternity shirts that were $3 - $4 from JcPenneys and Kohls, but not wearing anything yet.
Stretch marks: no new ones yet, but one side of my hips are looking like they are pink?
Sleep: Most nights are ok. But when I can’t sleep it’s bad. I’m usually up for an hour or two.
Best moment this week: I woke up abruptly to not a voice, but a loud vision or thought of…… “BOY!” Was someone trying to tell me something?! This was funny. I’ll never forget it, especially if it’s a boy!
Movement: Obviously, nothing I can feel; however, my pregnancy week by week resources say the baby had begun to move!!
Nickname: Thanks to Daddy the baby is called “Tadpole”. Hopefully this will change, because the vision of a tadpole, when the baby looks more like a baby, now bothers me a little.
Food cravings: Chicken Fried Steak and gravy
What I miss: feeling normal and refreshed
What I am looking forward to: Nov 4th – first official u/s w/ DH at my side!
Milestones: Baby is no longer an embryo. He/She has been promoted to fetus!!
Total weight gain: 2.5 (Yes, that's correct. A weight gain of 3.5 in one week. ::slapping myself:: My in-laws love to stuff our mouths! Now more so than ever. So I blame it on them!)
Maternity clothes: None, yet, but my jeans are starting to become uncomfortable. I may go get one of those belly band thingys soon.
What I miss: Time flying by. I'm so eager to get to Thanksgiving and time seems like it's going by so slow! :) What I am looking forward to: My next appointment on Nov 4th, which will be our first official u/s!
How is daddy? Super excited! I love to see him all giddy!
How are the grandparents? I don't think words can describe how they feel right now! Thankful, excited, happy, relieved, excited, happy, joyous, ecstatic, thankful, ....
So the first appointment wasn't as exciting as we imagined. All the doctor did was a pap smear, breast and pelvic exam, and got all of my history and junk. He said that he prefers to do complete blood work and ultrasound at 10 weeks. Weird. Even my boss admitted that's weird. Oh well. What can I do?! So our next appointment is November 4th, which will put us at 10w2d.
I had my workplace u/s on Thursday. We were able to see the heartbeat again. It was much more clear and faster! The baby and sac had grown. I was relieved to see growth. Since we're just taking a peek and not doing measurements, I was truly relieved to see the change in growth since last week! We didn't get great pictures this week, so I won't share the little blobs we captured! I have my first appointment on Monday and I'm crossing my fingers and toes he does an u/s! If he does, and everything is good, then I will not have one at work.
That night we shared the good news with more close friends, my middle sister (oldest already knew!) and my parents. The responses we received were absolutely unforgettable! Most of our close friends and family know how we've yearned for conceiving, so when they shed tears and said things like "God answered our prayers." and "Because you've waited so long, you both are going to be great parents." it truly touches our hearts.
I had been waiting for this day for years. Not because it was our 5 year wedding anniversary, but because I had dreamt and imagined what it would be like to tell my mother in law we were PG. I have the best relationship with my mother in law. I love her to death. She's been waiting to hear the news of a grand baby for nearly a decade. Yes, since we've been dating! :D
But, because it was our 5 year wedding anniversary, it made the reveal so much more special. On Friday morning I was having so many emotions. I was excited to tell my in-laws, but nervous, because we had planned exactly how we would surprise her, and what if it didn't go just right? I was also thinking of 5 years ago. What was I doing at that very moment 5 years ago? And feeling the love for the life I was growing inside me and the love I've shared with this man, my husband, my soul mate. It amazes me how the love between us only gets stronger and stronger with every passing year.
The Reveal
So the plan was to display a sign on our guest bedroom door (future nursery). We knew my ILs would go to the guest room first to drop off their bags. So I put my creative graphic designing skills to work and created this lovely sign for the door.
I also didn't want my parents to feel totally left out, so we designed a separate "sign" for both sets of grandparents. For my ILs, we displayed both on the door.
So I'll set the scene... Friday afternoon my ILs arrive in Fort Worth and enter our apartment. As planned, they immediately go straight to our guest bedroom. If you listen carefully on the video below you can hear my MIL saying she needs to take her blood pressure pill... Boy, will she!! She may need TWO! After she discovers the signs and doesn't get a verbal answer from DH or I, I have to point at the digital PG test that says "Pregnant". Then, you'll notice her head hitting the door and the tears start to flow.
I figured 7 weeks was a perfect time to "journal"...
How far along: 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I’m down one pound.
First symptom: Mild cramping
Who was the first person, other than DH, that you told: My BFF back in Austin, T. It was her birthday, so I called to wish her happy birthday and give her the news! Last year on my 4 year wedding anniversary she told us she was PG! Her baby is 4 months now.
Will you find out the sex: Yes, definitely! At first I had a Boy “feeling”, but now I catch myself saying “her”.
Sleep: I’ve been going to sleep a little earlier than normal – 9 – 10 pm. Recently, I haven’t been sleeping well. I constantly wake up and go pee, then, can’t go back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Designing the signs we’re going to use for our reveal to the in-laws. More details about those coming soon!
Food cravings: I’m positive this is a craving, because I don’t normally have a sweet tooth.... cake! ...and cookies! ...and ice cream!
Have you bought any baby stuff: Nothing other than the onesie and bib I bought for DH the day we got our BFP!
What I miss: Feeling normal and energized.
What I am looking forward to: u/s on Thursday, telling our immediate families on Thursday and Friday, and spending the weekend with my in-laws before my first appt on Monday!!
Weekly Wisdom: If you’re DH wants to buy baby clothes w/ a specific sports team's logo, make sure he looks at the game schedule before he buys. If I left it up to my DH our LO would have all newborn clothes for the first month of life; however, football doesn't start until 4 months later!! His response... "oh. okay." :) Gotta love him!
OMG. I can feel the vomiting coming on at any minute. I HATE throwing up – HATE IT!! I do remember distinctly though telling DH that “If we were lucky enough to finally get PG, I would be smiling through the vomiting and sickness!” I’m so grateful to be PG, but did I mention, I HATE throwing up!?!?
The nausea is annoying. It comes and goes. I no longer get hungry. I get nauseous. And who wants to eat when they feel like throwing up? I’m doing a few things to prevent/lessen the sickness:
1. Taking 50 mg of B6 in the morning and again at night. (Just started this.) 2. Drinking Ginger Ale 3. Wearing the Prima Bella bracelet.
The Prima Bella bracelet is really neat. You wear it on the underside of your wrist and it emits this little shock/pulse through the median nerve and travels to the emetic center in the brain, which then regulates the nausea signaling process between the brain and stomach restoring normal stomach rhythm and providing relief of nausea and vomiting (from their website). I’m not convinced that the bracelet works, but I definitely think it’s helping ease the nausea.
For now, I wait. I’m crossing my fingers I’m one of the lucky ones that never throws up! :::knocking on wood:::
My first OB appointment has been moved up to Monday, October 18th. I’ll be one day shy of 8 weeks. I’m hoping they do an ultrasound, because DH will be in attendance!
My workplace ultrasound was today and this week, thankfully, we saw a baby and a small flicker of a heartbeat!! I was so relieved after only seeing an empty black sac last week! We also saw the yolk sac and that was so comforting! My body is actually doing what it's supposed to! Who woulda known!?!?
We got 4 u/s pics and I even took a video for DH! It was so surreal. I couldn't believe how emotional DH was over the u/s!!
I'm not out of the woods yet. I'm now anxiously waiting for next Thursday!!
Oh, and again, I'm not getting caught up with the details - measurements and bpm. I know it's better this way! If something is wrong, I can't do anything about it, except add more stress to my all ready full plate! So today I saw my baby for the first time and I'm so thankful! I'm overjoyed!
The fear of miscarriage is not gone. I don’t think it ever will be, honestly. But I’m doing my best at thinking positive thoughts! Here are a few things that I say to myself on a daily basis: “Today I am pregnant and I love this baby.” (Inspired by a fellow 1st Trimester bumpie on thebump.com)
“Thank you, Lord, for my baby. I pray it stays healthy and safe.”
There are a few others, but I can’t think of them at this moment.
The sickness is starting to creep in. I became nauseous/car sick on my way home from work yesterday. This wasn’t my first bout of nausea since our BFP; however, it did seem to be the worst so far, maybe even made worse, by some indigestion/heart burn caused by an icing filled cookie I ate. Oops! Then, I was awoken this morning at 4 am feeling like I was going to vomit at any moment. I hopped out of bed, ate 1 rice cake, and drank some Ginger Ale – all items I purchased this weekend at the grocery store (just like me to plan ahead.)! Unfortunately, it took me an hour to go back to sleep, but, thankfully, no vomiting this morning!
Other than that, my boobs are very sore. They do appear to be fuller. The cramping has definitely subsided for the most part. Thankfully, I haven’t experienced any extreme sleepiness this week. My body requires food every 2 – 2.5 hours. That’s gotta be good for something right!?
To answer your BETA questions – I haven’t gotten a BETA. The girls in my office wouldn’t let me. They know me too well. They said I would just stress over the numbers and doubling time and the urine test was sufficient. I would know very soon whether it was singleton, twins, etc….. and they were right, I did. If they saw anything that was suspicious they would think about getting a BETA (to rule out miscarriage), but for now, I’m pregnant and loving it!
I saw our bean yesterday! The girls scanned me at work and it seems like this will be a Thursday afternoon ritual!
Good news is we saw only one sac!! Bad news is we didn't see a yolk sac. :( After some googling and reading it seems like 5 weeks and 2 days is still too early to see a yolk sac, so I'm a little relieved, but of course, can't help but worry until I see our baby! I'll get another u/s next Thursday and (crossing fingers) we should see more and know more!
My first appointment is 10/22. I'll be 8 weeks and 3 days, so it should be the perfect time for hubby and I to get our first "official" u/s and see the heartbeat!
If I'm fortunate to see the heartbeat before the 15th, we will tell my in-laws while they are in town that weekend.
Symptoms are still the same. Actually, I had no symptoms today, but I've "heard" that's normal too! Some days you feel PG and some days you don't! :)
My appetite has been really weird lately. I'm not hungry in the mornings and last night I didn't even eat dinner AFTER I cooked it!! While I was cooking I was snacking on pita chips and hummus, but still... it was strange. I felt like I ate an entire cow!
I am 33 years old and have been married to a wonderful man for 10 years. We battled infertility and PCOS w/ IR for nearly 3 years before we received our first BFP in September 2010. Our daughter was born on May 31, 2011. I have two careers. I own a small graphic design business, and I'm also a Certified Medical Coder. ...all while supporting my husband through graduate school.
22 dpo (5 w pg) - Beta HCG is 23 (miscarriage confirmed)
April 28, 2015 - began miscarrying
2nd Pregnancy - Miscarriage of twins
O'ing naturally around CD 20-28 for 6 consecutive mths - something we never experienced before.
December 15, 2012 at 3w5d - Natural BFP! Due: August 26, 2013 Starting weight: 162
6w4d - Two gestational sacs. Both empty.
6w5d - HCG - 19,023
6w6d - Started bleeding and passed a large blob of tissue
7w - HCG - 707 :(
7w1d - Follow up u/s -m/c complete, uterine lining and ovaries appeared normal.
Aiyana Helene
5/31/11 - Aiyana Helene is born! 7 lbs. 7 oz., 20.5 in 6/2/11 - Discharged from hospital - 6 lbs. 14 oz. 6/4/11 - 6 lbs. 15 oz. 6/8/11 - 7 lbs. 7 oz - Back to her birth weight after only 8 days! 6/15/11 - 8 lbs. 4 oz.; 21 inches 6/18/11 - First full on smile in response to Mommy! 6/21/11 - Very first coo's!
8/4/11 - First vaccines; 12 lbs and 22.5 in 8/11/11 - First Chuckle 8/14/11 - First night to sleep in crib! 9/4/11 - Started to grab and pull at her toys! 9/23/11 - Rolled over from back to belly and her first Ranger baseball game! 10/10/11 - 16 lbs. 11 oz.
My First Pregnancy
Aug 21, 2010 - 1st Femara cycle - 2.5 mg (CD 3-7) Sept 7, 2010 - O'd for only the 2nd time in 3 years! Sept 22, 2010 - BFP!!!!
6w2d - Saw gest sac, yolk, and baby 7w2d - Saw HB on u/s 12w - Found HB on doppler (166 BPM) for the first time 14w2d - Doc 80% sure IT'S A GIRL!! 15w4d - Felt first tickle of movement 17w - Feeling taps of movement multiple times a day 17w - Anatomy looks great and it's definitely a GIRL!! 20w2d - Mommy felt movement from outside! 21w5d - Daddy gets kicked for the first time!! 29w2d - u/s - baby could be 3.5 pounds already!! 31w3d - Daddy hears heartbeat w/ his ear to belly! 35w6d - Started to lose mucous plug 36w3d - Cervix 0-1 cm and 50% effaced 37w2d - Cervix same... no change 38w3d - Cervix same... no change 39w2d - Cervix same... no change; Scheduled Cervical Ripening and Induction for June 2nd (40w2d).
40w - Due Date - Aiyana is born!
Our Infertility Journey
Dec 07 - Stopped BCP
Mar 08 - Read TCOYF(Taking Charge of Your Fertility) and started charting
Aug 08 - Started Prometrium to start a new cycle (FAILED)
Sept 08 - Started NPC to start a new cycle (FAILED)
Oct 08 - 2nd attempt w/ Prometrium to start a new cycle (FAILED)
Nov 08 - Added Vitamin B6 and B-complex
Dec 08 - Finally AF arrived after 5 days of Provera
Jan 09 - 100 mg Clomid (CD 3-7); 2 follicles (12-13 mm on CD13); 1 follicle (18 mm) and 1 follicle (14 mm), lining 9 mm on CD15, O on CD18 - BFN
Dec 08 - 1st Sonogram (borderline PCOS, One 1 cm follicle - good news); Bloodwork - slightly elevated testosterone
Feb 09 - 50 mg Clomid (CD 3-7); no monitoring this cycle - No O
Mar 09 - 100 mg Clomid (3-7); US on CD14 found 7 cm Cyst. No more clomid until it goes away.
May 09 - Cyst gone!
June 09 - Cautiously trying 25 mg of Clomid (3-7) - No O
July 09 - 50 mg of Clomid (3-7) - No O
Aug 09-Nov 09 - Participated in Clinical Research Studies for those with PCOS
Dec 09 - Withdrew from infertility treatments and hoping it happens naturally
2WW = 2 Week Wait (the two weeks after ovulation and before AF arrives) AF = Aunt Flo (menstruation/period) B/W = Bloodwork BCP = Birth Control Pills BD = Sex to TTC; Baby Dance Beta = Blood pregnancy test
BF = Breastfeed/Breastfeeding BFN = Big Fat Negative (negative pg test) BFP = Big Fat Positive (positive pg test) BH = Braxton Hicks CD = Cycle Day (before we got PG!) CD = Cloth Diaper
DD = Dear Daughter DH = Dear/Darling Husband DPO = Days Past Ovulation
DS = Dear Son DTD = Doing The Deed (Sex) E2 = Estradiol (Estrogen)
FF = Formula Feed FMU = First Morning Urine FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone H&H = Happy and Healthy HCG = Human Chorionic GonadotropinCancel HPT = Home Pregnancy Test HSG = Hysterosalpingogram IB = Implantation Bleeding IF = Infertility IM = Intramuscular IR = Insulin Resistant IUI = Intra-uterine Insemination IVF = In Vitro Fertilization LH = Luteinizing hormone LMP = Last Menstrual Period
LO = Little One LOL = Laugh Out Loud LPD = Luteal Phase Defect M/C = Miscarriage OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit O = Ovulate P4 = Progesterone PCOS = Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PG = Pregnant PNV = Pre-natal vitamin POAS = Pee on a Stick (ex, take a pregnancy test) RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist (Infertility Specialist) RRL = Red Raspberry Leaf Tea S/A = Sperm/Semen Analysis SO = Spouse or Significant Other S/W = Software (I use to chart my cycles) TCOYF = Taking Charge of Your Fertility TMI = Too Much Information TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TTC = Trying to Conceive U/S = Ultrasound
Birth Story .... (6 months late)
On Friday morning Jan 20, I got out of bed at 8:30 am and felt a tiny
trickle of fluid. Baby had been putting pressure down low so I thought that
maybe I ...
YouTube Vlog
Hey guys, so as some of you know, I've been vlogging on my YouTube Channel
so others can follow along with the journey. I still plan to write here now
Because I really need one more thing/person/item to take care of...
We are now in the possession of a kitten. Melody. We went to go have her
vaccinated and...
*"Let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore"*
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from bring...
Christy - 1, Washing machine - 0
Yesterday the washing machine made a horrible high pitch whining sound,
during the spin/drain cycle.
Today I scoured You Tube and found some very helpful ...
Happy Birthday, GiGi
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dinner at my parents' house. My grandma got to pick the food and she
picked coo...
What a difference a year makes...
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could say I wasn't in a blogging mood last year. And what a year it has
Changing over to private
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have good reason.
We are officially matched with a beautiful birth mom and are ex...
What? A new post??
Alrighty, since this little lady is about to make her appearance in to this
world very soon....
Just wanted to say that I'll be posting on this blog once a...
It's been a while
We're all still here, with one notable exception- our sweet puppy Samson
(the chiweeinie) died yesterday. Our hearts hurt, and there isn't much more
to say...
New blog home reminder!
Please remember to go to my new blog and subscribe to that one now. I'm no
longer updating this one and I don't want to lose my lovely readers! Thanks!