I'm wearing my second to last device, right now, as I type!! My last device will be worn tonight and then I'm a free woman!! Wahoo!!
I have missed my freedom most. I work from home and I tend to take showers at all times during the day - mostly in the afternoon. With the device I've been required to take my showers around 7:30 in the morning and 7:30 at night.
I took my temp this morning and just as I suspected it has not risen, so I'm convinced that I have not responded to the investigational drug inside the device. That's ok. It was a trial and that was my attitude. I was not expecting it to work for me.
I have two more appointments left with my RE's office, as part of the study. One is on Friday and the last appointment is a week from Friday.
I'm still considering my options; however, I'm positive it will involve weight loss.
Back in Prague
Ok a quick recap:
We ended up with 5 frozen embryos! Hazel and I travelled to Prague and
stayed in London a for a few days with Jessica. Once we arrived in...
6 years ago